la sirena varada is a contemporary larp about the dwellers of a community built outside of conventional society, people who eschew common sense for the pursue of fantasy and dreams… and their descent into madness.
Mediterranean dreams
This is a Mediterranean larp. By design, by aesthetics, by motifs and inspirational themes for the characters - everything has a direct connection with Mediterranean culture and values, not tied to a specific period of time. Dreams can be turned into nightmares, and the Southern culture includes them both.
Red-blooded delusion
The quest for passion and inspiration drives the characters, who have turned their backs to the mainstream world and have embraced fantasy and inebriated madness, a Dionysian way of living. They wake up late and enjoy life to its fullest. They are ever changing, incongruent with their past selves.
Child-like eyes
As a child forgets when minutes are felt as hours, time has been accelerated and forgiveness is easy. Swear eternal love or hate, and forgive not long afterwards. Change fast, evolve, turn days into weeks or months. Do not regret, and never let anything for another time.
Southern flavour, Nordic style
We aim to take the Nordic style and infuse it with a Southern way of feeling, living and larping.
To enhance the exotic feeling, the location of the larp is a complex of beautiful Mediterranean cave houses in which you will live during the the larp.
Play to flow
We want you to play not to win, neither to lose, but to flow. Flow along the actions and reactions of other characters, flow along whatever is coming. Don’t stop anything. Don’t block anything. Don’t attach yourselves to any expectation in your mind.
English language larp with a multicultural taste
All communication will be in English language, but we will not deny the different cultures or languages, using them as advantage instead. For example, it is allowed to curse, plea, scream or recite poetry in your own language. If it has sense, repeat it in English afterwards. Do not abuse from this possibility.
Inspired by a theatre play
La sirena varada by Alejandro Casona inspires our larp and the way it depicts a world of delusion tied to a crude, mundane past as our personal issues and fears follow us even to our own fantasies. Furthermore, we are also inspired by the Heroes del Silencio song of the same name and its cryptic references to the theatre play.
Proactive interaction
This larp contains "sandbox" elements, but it is not the main focus. The characters are designed to form a broad narrative, and we have the firm direction to a descent into madness, but there is no overarching plot or programmed scenes that override your choices. You are free to interact with all the elements using the Tools, while activities set by the organization take part, ensuring you have lots of things to feel and experience.

Picture by Esperanza Montero
Picture by Herman Langland