Practical & Sign Up
But we have a waiting list if you are interested. If so, send us an e-mail to
la sirena varada is an English language international LARP (live action action role-play) that will take place in Spain. The chosen location for it will be the comfortable, stunning cave houses of Al Jatib (Baza, Granada, Spain).
Dates are from May 25th to 28th 2017. On Thursday afternoon we will make several mandatory pre-larp workshops. After we start, the larp will continue, non-stop, until early Sunday. Then we will follow with after-larp workshops and debriefing.
The contribution for each position in the LARP is 155 € which covers food, lodging and arab baths. As our larp is a non profit project, we also expect the participants to contribute in whatever way they can and to be ready for often communication with the organizers. There are no special costume requirements for the larp, but you have to dress according to your character, not your personal tastes.
We will give support and advice to foreigners before and after the larp. The cave houses are located not far from the amazing city of Granada (about 100 km) and from the Mediterranean Sea, for those that may want to take advantage of the surrounding area.
We have this dedicated Facebook event for the larp.
The Design Document for the larp (pending some modifications) can be downloaded HERE.
We have 28 available positions. Sign ups after September 30th 2016 will be stored in a waiting list.
Press on the following link to fill the questionnaire: QUESTIONNAIRE.
It is important to complete it carefully, taking details in account and adding any information you think we may find helpful or inspiring. Selected participants will be contacted to cover one of the positions. An online personal interview will follow.
Photographer wanted! We are looking for a person with passion for photography and experience. The photographer will have creative freedom, a character crafted to allow the use of the camera at any moment, a dream like location and a substantial discount since their main contribution will be to immortalize this last run of la sirena varada.
Those interested please include any relevant information in the questionnaire.
We will not be able to make any refund, unless we find a replacement player for a given position. In that case, we will refund everything except 50€ due to the reservations, expenses and efforts involved. However, if we are warned with less than a month before the start of the larp, we will not be able to make any refunds. A complete refund will only be allowed in case of event cancellation and special situations.
For questions, suggestions and doubts, please send and e-mail to

Picture by Herman Langland